6 Tips to Ensure the Most Successful Glass Whiteboard Meetings
Glass Whiteboard meetings are pertinent within an office environment as they bring the team together to focus on meeting goals and striving for success. They help to visualize the progress being made as well as strengths and weaknesses within a project. Supervisors look forward to this time as communication is of utmost importance and brings cohesion and understanding to the group. Therefore, we have compiled a list of 6 tips to ensure that every Glass Whiteboard meeting runs as smoothly and successfully as possible.
1. Find an Achievable Goal
While the day-to-day tasks are getting accomplished, there are always areas within the company that could be improved upon. Find the most achievable goal for your team and focus on it. Ensure the goal will direct your group towards success as it will require focus, time, and may create additional responsibilities for some team members. Choose a goal that will keep team morale high and motivate the team members to want to achieve it! Finding that goal and achieving it will, in turn, make them feel rewarded.
2. Include Promising Employees
Only invite the most necessary employees to the glass whiteboard meeting. Focus on the team members that will have the most effect on the outcome of the goal based on their job responsibilities and personal capabilities. Recognizing unique employee skill is important and strategic when obtaining and meeting goals. Remember to avoid overlooking bright employees that could help in achieving your goal and boosting your team success. Sometimes those team members are the ones who ultimately get you to the finish line!
3. Choose a Convenient Time
After all, everyone is taking time out of their day to make this happen. Scheduling a meeting first thing in the morning is difficult because that’s when everyone is catching up on emails and getting their day started. Scheduling meetings after lunch is difficult as not everyone takes the same lunch hour. The best, most efficient time to schedule a meeting is mid-morning or mid-afternoon. Coordinate with your team beforehand. Provide 2 different dates and have everyone involved check their calendars to ensure they don’t already have a meeting or prior engagement. Once everyone responds, you have a set meeting date and are one step closer to that goal!
4. A Role for Everyone
One of the best ways to keep your team members’ attention in a meeting is to have them actively involved. Let everyone take an important role in the glass whiteboard meeting. This ensures they have a personal and exciting experience. Have a printed synopsis of your meeting content with a small topic or key point for each employee to speak about. Make sure to leave space open on the glass whiteboard for each person to illustrate important points or questions they may have on their topic. It also helps to have a different color marker designated for each person so information is differentiated.
5. Keep it light and fun!
All too often, meetings can become an outlet for team members to complain and get discouraged about situations. Don’t let your meeting be an outlet for negativity! Stay on topic and be optimistic of the goal you’re trying to achieve. It’s an attainable goal, so point out the reason you chose it and how you know your team can reach it. Try and use humor as much as possible. Laughing creates endorphins and raises morale. The more lighthearted and optimistic the meeting is, the happier everyone will be.
6. Show gratitude
After the meeting is over, take a picture of the glass whiteboard with all the meeting notes. Send out a team email to all the members thanking them for their time, efforts and input. Include the picture of the glass whiteboard showing all of the additional notes that weren’t included in the synopsis. Make sure to recognize a strong point that each team member made during the meeting, because employees feel rewarded when they are recognized for their achievements.
These tips should ensure your meeting stays on target, stays focused and is fun and successful for everyone. Using the Glass Whiteboard to highlight team strengths will not only create happy employees, but will keep them reaching goals.